Parts for windows in Centex homes

Home Owner from Charlotte NC

Hi, every window that opens in my Centex home that was built in 1999 needs parts. I need new springs to help open the windows and tabs to allow them to tilt open. I believe the springs are called cross bow balances.

2 x 23.5x27.5

3 x 27.5x28

12 x 27.5x32

2 x 31.375x37.5

4 x 31.5x32



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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hi, Ken! This is an old style of balance that recently bit the dust.

Luckily, we cooked up a replacement system that works really well, Series 795. Check out our guide on how to select and install a replacement balance:

Home Owner from Charlotte NC
So how do i measure length, the entire window, or just the half that opens?

Also, any idea how I can figure out which latch I need?


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Paul from SWISCO

For your top tilt latches, both our 26-243 and 26-244 look like they could work. We placed a media guide video on how latches are replaced. We'd really like to see the complete crossbow balance to determine the proper Series. We'd also need the visible glass heights to determine the balance lengths. 

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