What stamp option do I need?
I also have the 3054 stamp on my Peachtree balance. I notice that I have to go by the stamp or weight of the window to choose the correct balance.
My question is this: since almost all the balances broke in my windows, would it be beneficial to purchase one weight size up? In other words, instead of getting the balance for the 13 through 19 lb weight could I get the 20 to 23 lb and get better performance and they will last longer??
A stronger spring may not necessarily work better. They could actually make your window harder to operate.
How old are your balances? Did they always work poorly or is this a recent thing? Also, how heavy is your sash? Keep in mind that the life span of this kind of balance is around ten years.
Thanks for the quick reply Tom. I did not think of the fact the springs would be stronger and the window may not be as easy to open.
House was built in 1988. We are the original owners and most of our windows do not stay open. Either broken springs or cords in most of them so I will be in the process of removing them and ordering them from your company. Many sizes of windows so this will take a while. So glad you have the parts I need! Thanks again!