I have Vinyl paradigm window and the balance cam in now of my windows is broken. I need to order one and then ask you the question as to how I can this balance cam out without purchasing these very expensive Jam Spreaders? I know the problem, I need the part and I ask for some assistance in removing the old jam and replacing with a new one. I even think that it might be cheaper to have someone install it for me. Thank you very much and appreciate your assistance. I love the windows.
Hello, Paul. By cam, are you referring to the pivot shoe? If so, I always advise against purchasing our jamb spreaders unless you're a professional who is preparing to repair many, many windows. If you're just doing a quick repair job on a single window there is an easier (and less expensive) option, though it takes a little more work.
Basically, the way pivot shoes are meant to be removed is by sliding it up to a cut out made in the jamb track, usually near the top of the frame. The shoe would then pop out of that cutout. If you have no such existing cutout then the simple answer is that you need to make one. The video below will show you exactly how this can be done.