Please identify this window part.

Handy Person from Chicago
I have these old windows (10-15 years old) that came with the property when I bought it. Some of them have the parts on the jamb track broken causing the lower sash loosely stay with the window. I uploaded photos of both ends (the sash end and the jamb end) because I didn't know which end was broken. Maybe both. It might be easier to identify seeing both end. I also uploaded the label hidden on the upper sash. Please identify the parts and hopefully you have them in stock for purchase.
Thank you,
3 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us, Patrick. Our 15-177 comes to mind though it's hard to say for sure since the window track obscures much of the pivot shoe. I'm afraid the pivot bar is too obscured as well. Would it be possible for us to see it removed from the window sash? 

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