Replacement channel balances RYL-017-1

Home Owner from San Jose
Hi, it looks like one of the channel balance top broke off and need help to ID the correct part to order.

I've located your site from the little sticker on the window, but unsure, if this is correct.

MFGR: RYL-017-1
Series: VS-5A
MVT: 48"x36"

From researching your site, i think it is S350-28, but want to verify, before i order.

I'm attaching the pictures of the old ones. Also, if you can advise the replacement take out clip, as one is missing.

User submitted picture of channel balance.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for submitting your pictures.

Before we move on to identifying your channel Series, can you check to see if there are any stamps on your channel? If not, we will need the weight of your window sash. The stamp denotes the amount of approximate sash weight the channel can support.

Also, confirm the length of the channel portion of your balance only. You've noted the "S350-28" as a possible fit, so just confirm that the channel measures 28" in length.

The take out clip could be the 16-002 Take Out Clip, but let's move forward with identifying your balances first.
Home Owner from San Jose
Only stamp I see, is what looks like 'CADWELL' beyond that I don't see any other stamp.

I weighed the window and it's about 20lbs.

I measured the length and it is 28".

The Take out clip looks about right.

Tom from SWISCO
Thank you. Please take a look at our S350-28 channel balance with a 2740 stamp option.
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