Replacing screen clips with another type

Handy Person from Branford ct
Can I replace the Silverline screen turn clip which I believe is what I have with the arcadia? The plastic ones keep breaking
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I am sorry, I am little confused by your question. Are you asking if you can replace your existing 70-211 SilverLine screen clips with another type? Or are you asking if you can replace your existing screen clips with the 70-211 SilverLine screen clip?

If possible, please submit a quick picture of your current screen clip so that we can see exactly what you have.
Quick Learner from br
replacing my silverline screen clips with the Arcadia (metal) clip since they seem like they would be more secure.
Tom from SWISCO
I just looked through our online catalog and I cannot find a metal Arcadia clip. We have a plastic Arcadia clip part number 70-085, is this the clip you are referring to? If not, please respond with the part number of the clip you would like to use.
Quick Learner
Sorry about that, didn't realize they were plastic, they look like metal. Do you have anything in metal that would work?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
The Swisco 70-211 Screen Turn Clip is the only clip that will work with Silverline screens. I've tried to use other types, but only the 70-211 has worked for me.
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