I have been using product 84-028 with no success. Is Product Code:84-075 a better choice because it is metal, and will it work in place of 84-028?
Rollers for sliding screen door

Quick Learner from Tulsa, OK
Aug 14, 2011 11:55 pm
4 Replies

Home Owner from Tulsa, Ok
Aug 15, 2011 9:19 am
The rollers keep break, and screws will not set correctly stripping the holes. My carpenter has been in business for yrs., and is having the problem. He thinks the metal ones might work. The door frame is old, and we've had settling, so there are other issues. The sliding screen door was working before a dog push it out. Thanks so much for your help as I have not been able to locate the metal rollers in Tulsa. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Aug 15, 2011 11:31 am

Try using the metal roller.
Also you could be having trouble with the patio screen door corners. I believe they are put together with screws and the screws are reverse thread.
Also you could be having trouble with the patio screen door corners. I believe they are put together with screws and the screws are reverse thread.
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