Looking to replace 2 sizes of window channel springs on Rollyson windows from the 1980's.
Have a total of 6 windows, but all that remain are the aluminum channels and what appears to be one top guide end as identified below.
Info is as follows-
1) 29" long, model 2830, top guide appears to be part # 19-037, bottom part is unclear.
Other than being able to identify the top guide, I was looking at S371 on your site. (Is this the best bet/)
2) 33" long, marked as BSI 32C. Same windows as 1 above except taller.
Do you have a best recommendation on that.
I plan to buy a pair to see how they fit and then order the rest based on the outcome.
Rollyson window top bracket #19-037 and other items

Home Owner from Maryland
Sep 26, 2017 9:04 pm
4 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Sep 28, 2017 1:20 pm

Thanks for posting! Would you be able to show us pictures of the hardware in question? The stamps on the balances don't tell me what they are, they just indicate the spring strength calibration. We would need clear pictures in order to identify what you have.

Home Owner from Maryland
Sep 28, 2017 9:24 pm
Attached are 5 images. Unfortunately there is not much left to show, except the clear wing on what I believe is the top (rivets not spaced close together), and the broken pieces found in the window wells.
I assume if I buy a pair and the guides are a little too wide or deep, possibly I can file them off to fit and use whatever works to assist in any additional orders.
I assume if I buy a pair and the guides are a little too wide or deep, possibly I can file them off to fit and use whatever works to assist in any additional orders.

Paul from SWISCO
Oct 5, 2017 9:23 am

Thank you for the additional information and photos. For your Rollyson windows, I believe you are able to use our S371-29 channel balance with a 2830 stamp option as well as our S371-33 channel balance with a 3230 option. They should be able to work as is, or ther is the option of having the balance custom made which would include our 19-037 balance top attachment.
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