S380 Window Channel Balance 29"

Home Owner from Florida
Hello. I'm looking to order some replacement channel balances and the original is stamped 28D. Following your selection guide, it matches the S380 description but I'm not sure of the Sash Weight Range since the 28D stamp isn't listed.

Thank you for your assistance.
3 Replies
Home Owner from Florida
Follow-up, I have other windows stamped 28C and 28F. Based on the windows, I'm assuming each letter higher is a higher weight range.

Tom from SWISCO
Hello! Sometimes the 28D corresponds to our 2840 (D being the fourth letter of the alphabet), meaning that 28C would be 2830 and 28F would be 2860. However, this isn't always the case. The only way to be sure is to remove your window sash, weigh it, and check the chart in the S380-29 product description.
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