S795 balance pivot bar and shoe problem

Quick Learner from United States


I successfully installed the new channel balance, but I?m having trouble with the pivot bar.

First of all, I can't get the cam lock in the channel balance to turn upright to where the pivot bar would be able to fit into it. I can rotate the center of the cam lock when I have a channel balance outside the window, but once I install the balance it won?t rotate upright. Does this mean the t-lock is too large?

Secondly, I am unsure how to install these pivot bars in my sash. The old pivot bars have threaded holes so the screws fit right in. These new pivot bars have no threads and the screws seem too wide. I?m also not positive which direction the bar needs to be when I install it and I can?t find a video with this style pivot bar.

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7 Replies
Quick Learner from United States

To clarify, I am replacing several discontinued S850 balances with S795 balances.

I'm also installing 26-021 2.5"Pivot Bars (pictured above) to work with the new balances.

Paul from SWISCO

We appreciate your patience. With your current pivot bar, our 26-366 would make the better replacement for you. Look it over and let us know if you agree. 

Quick Learner from Bluffton, SC
Okay, I'll try those. Do you have an insight on my t-locks? Should the center metal cam piece be able to rotate while the channel balance is installed in the window frame? Mine cannot - there is not enough space for the white sides (puck?) to extend. Does this mean I need the 15-194 1" T-LOCK BALANCE SHOE, CLOSED CAM?
Paul from SWISCO

Oh, I'm sorry I missed that. I'm honestly not sure, that sounds a little peculiar. It's possible you need the 1" wide shoe, but it would depend on the width of the shoe from your old Series 850.

Basically, if the old Series 850 shoe was 1-1/4", we typically recommend sticking with that width. The 1" shoe would be too small. That doesn't solve your problem, though. I guess the first step would be to check to confirm what the width of the old Series 850 was. If it's 1", then the solution is easy: our 15-194 will work perfectly. 

If it's 1-1/4", then I'm not sure what the problem might be. I've never run across this before. I'd like you to go into more detail; specifically, at what step in the installation process are you running into problems? Is this when you're trying to put the sash back into the window after installing the new balances, or have you not tried that yet? Do the new balances not even fit into the track?

Quick Learner from Bluffton, SC

Thanks Paul.

I did install the channel in the track. That seems fine.

My problem is with the metal cam of the t-lock. When it is roatated sideways, the piece is 1 1/4". If you rotate the center to an "open" position where you could install the pivot bar, the white plastic extends just a tiny bit making it wider than 1 1/4". I can do this with a balance when it's not installed, but when I have the balance in the window track, there is no wiggle room whatsoever to rotate the cam. I can't turn it.

I need to order the 26-366 pivot bars you suggested and I?m hopeful the shape of the tips of those bars means this won't be an issue?

I've included a few photos and I hope that helps - two showing the balance in the window and why the pivot bar cannot be inserted, and two showing a balance on the floor and how it rotates. Like I said, I am hopeful that if I order the pivot bars you suggested that will better fit my sash, this will also negate this issue?

Paul from SWISCO

Thank you for clarifying. Before you install these balances, make sure the metal center cam "U" shaped opening is in the horizontal position. That way it will slide in the track. Then, bring the balance up and screw the top clip into the window track. Now place a flat head screwdriver it in the cam and bring the balance down about 6" to 12" and turn the cam so that the "U" shape is facing up. That will lock the balance in place so you can install the sash. When you install the sash and bring the sash up to snap it in the track, the cam turns to release the brake so the sash and balance can move. I hope that makes sense.

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