Sach balance replacement part

Handy Person from San Diego
I have a sach balanace to replace...its stamped as 27 4 DN CALDWELL. Its actually 28" long.

Can you help identifying my part and maybe you have a full kit that you can sell? This is a '95 built house, so I'm sure these parts are about that time old.

Thanks much,
User submitted photos of a window balance.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Before I can offer an applicable replacement for this channel balance, I just need to know a bit more information about the bottom attachment. Please take a look at our 15-004 and 15-005 channel balance shoes, and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-3/32" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely matches your own bottom attachment?
Handy Person from San Diego
Thanks Tom. Will check when I'm back home and update. I think its the 1" but will verify.
Handy Person from San Diego
As I figured this is a 1" deep part. So I guess its the 15-005. If I buy a set of two of these Sash Channel balancers, do I get them each as a complete set with the plastic top and bottoms, or do I need to make sure I order all the parts separately?
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us, Erez. In that case, I recommend our S380-28 channel balance. As you can see, this comes with the nylon pieces already attached.

Based on your stamp, I'd also recommend the 2740 stamp option. This can support a window sash weight range of 19 through 26 pounds. Does your sash's weight fall within that range?

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
Home Owner from San Diego
This is what I needed. You guys are awesome. Thanks much.
Home Owner from San Diego
Got the parts. Used the great video and installed. Went great. Thanks for the help.

One thing I learned - I had two slots in the channel to chose from to put the hook in, and I first selected the lower one which caused the window to slide almost all the way down but not quite. Obviously I needed the upper slot chosen. Once I did that, all went as expected.

Thanks much,
Tom from SWISCO
Great news, Erez! I'm glad everything worked out.
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