Our single hung aluminium windows feature S 400 spiral balances which have failed. How do we get them out - can't pull out the bottom because the metal bracket (maybe 17-010 or similar?) is in the way. Can't pull out the top because the spiral band cross clip hangs up on the metal bracket. Should the metal bracket come out? Otherwise how do I get around it? Up? Down? Other?
Series 400 - how to remove?

Home Owner from OKC
Jun 23, 2013 2:07 pm
2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Jun 25, 2013 10:54 am

Good morning, Frank. Unfortunately, many companies that use our Series 400 balance system with that 17-10 bracket make it so they cannot be repaired. They are what's known as a Builder's Grade Prime Window, and they can be frustrating to say the least.
Now, it is possible to replace the balance, but it is difficult. To replace the side clip on the sash, you will have to completely take apart the window. You might want the help of a local professional who has done this sort of thing before.
Now, it is possible to replace the balance, but it is difficult. To replace the side clip on the sash, you will have to completely take apart the window. You might want the help of a local professional who has done this sort of thing before.
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