Series 795 Channel Balance Support

Quick Learner

I am looking for support on a few questions regarding your 795 Channel balance Support.

Based upon the pictures I have taken below and the stampings on my existing channel balance, I am in need of the S795-33C with the standard 15-195 T-Lock Balance Shoe with a Closed Cam (confirming this is the standard), with one exception/modification. Instead of having a top screw clip, I need the balance clip attachment as is shown in this link from a recent customer inquiry and shown below:

Pictures of my existing window balance and parts. As you can see the balance shoe has pulled off the channel balance, so I have had to include separate pictures.

If you can send me a quote for the S795-33C with the custom hook ends, I would appreciate it. I understand these need to be ordered in pairs.

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5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! We can absolutely supply a Series 795 with a hook, yes. It will have to be a custom order since it's not a stock option, but otherwise this is fairly routine.

Before we go any further, can you tell me how many you wanted to buy? We will need a precise count before we can get a quote. 

Once I know that, I'll email you a purchase link that you can use to place an order on our site.

Quick Learner
Thanks for your reply. I will just need 2 of these (1 pair).
Tom from SWISCO

Sounds good! I'll send that to you right now. You can expect an email shortly.

Please let me know if you had any questions and I would be happy to assist.

Quick Learner
Thanks for your help Tom. Just placed the order.
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