Sliding glass door handle replacement

Contractor from Prosper , TX
Hello. Do you offer a replacement for the handle shown in the attached pictures? The latch is actually on the outside of the sliding glass door itself. The screw holes are right at about 5 inches apart. Thank you!
2 user uploaded images
8 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


Thank you for contacting us. We're happy to look into this. I'm afraid we don't sell a handle with this kind of hole spacing, however. Can you double-check that for us? Make sure to measure from the center of each installation hole. 

May we also see a photo of how the handle latches to the keeper?

Contractor from Prosper , TX
Hello.  The handle has actually been lost, so we are no longer able to get pictures of it.  The latch engaged in front of the metal door frame (not from inside of it).  The hole spaxcing is probably 4 7/8"... I saw other products of yours with that spacing.  The only difference from what I saw on your site was the color (black as opposed to silver).  So I am hoping you have the same model in silver/ nickel.  
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Oh, I see. We can't be certain without seeing more of the handle but the 82-005 is a possibility. This is a surface mount style handle set that measures 4-15/16" on the installation hole centers. Review the specifications and see what you think.

Unfortunately, this handle set is not available in silver/nickel. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. 

Alternate image for 82-005
Alternate image for 82-005

Profile view of the 82-005 handle set
Profile view of the 82-005 handle set

Demonstration of the lock interacting with the included keeper.
Demonstration of the lock interacting with the included keeper.

Contractor from Prosper , TX
This looks perfect other than the color.  Thank you.  I will get with the homeowner to see if this will work.  Thanks again for your help! 
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

No problem!

Contractor from Prosper , TX
This one is going to work for the homeowner.  Ordering now.  Thank you! 
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

We appreciate your order! Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. 

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