Spiral balance tip color

Home Owner from New Jersey
The tip on our balances is yellow. Your site does not show a yellow tip. What color would be comparable?
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! It will depend on what type of balance you have, and the weight of your window sash. To start out, please take a look at our Spiral Balance Home Page and follow the steps shown. To get the weight of your sash, simply remove it from the window and place it on a scale.

Once you determine what spiral balance you have, and your sash weight, let me know and we can work from there!
Quick Learner from TAMPA
I have a non tilt window with a yellow tip and its 30" long 3/8 diameter
Please advise which is the best replacement part for it
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us! It sounds like you're looking at the S900-30 spiral balance. Now, you will still need to weigh your window sash, don't forget. When you do, please compare it to the two standard color tip options for this balance:

The Red Tip can carry a window sash weight range of 10 through 22 pounds, while the Green Tip can carry a window sash weight range of 14 through 26 pounds. Does your sash's weight fall under either of these ranges? If so, that is the tip color you will want.
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