Tilt Latch Identification

I would like to order parts for my bathroom window
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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! Looks like you need a coil balance assembly and a new guide cover. It's tough to make out specifically what balance type you have without seeing it completely removed, but start by looking over our 15-102. This is designed to be compatible with the Series 145 spring  (sold separately). 

For the guide cover, see our 15-223.

Handy Person from California
Hi Tom
This is Mel is this #5 printed
on the spring indicates the weight I needed for the spring?

Thank you
5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks! These photos are a big help. I definitely think that the 15-102 housing is what you want. And the "5" printed on your spring indicates to me that you need the 5 pound weight option, yes.

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