Tilt-in window spring strut

Handy Person from Minnesota
This window has a brass strut at the base of the window that locks into the lift rotator. It is three inches long , mounted by two screws into the base of the vinyl window. I need one of these, but will buy a pair if necessary.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Can you send a photo of this part? It'll be a lot easier to identify by sight.
Handy Person from Minnesota
Let me know if this picture is good enough to identify what I need
tilt window
Tom from SWISCO
I'm not totally sure what I'm looking at now. Is that the underside of your sash?

If so, how far apart are those screw-holes? As well, you mentioned a brass strut. Where is this part?
Handy Person from Minnesota
I thought I sent you 2 pix---apparently the other one didn't go through. I will try again. It has the strut mounted on the bottom side of the sash so you can see how it fits together. The screws are about 2.5 inches apart. It is blurry, though I think you can get the gist of it. Thank you. Stephen
User submitted a photo of window hardware.
Tom from SWISCO
Unfortunately, that photo is just a little too blurry to make out the shape of the pivot bar. We'll need you to take a slightly stiller photo, to see if that seals the deal for us. Can you update us again?
Handy Person from Minnesota
This is the good side. I need a post/strut for the left side. One screw only. Stephen
tilt bar
Casey from SWISCO
Thanks, Stephen, for this photo. It appears our 26-040 pivot bar looks very close to your part. Take a look and let us know what you think.
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