Traco Window Parts

Handy Person from Mars, PA
I am looking for pivot shoe, spiral balance and sash end stops for the traco window pictured here. I believe I have identified the S600-17 as the correct balance (white tip for a 17"x36" sash, the 9/16' 15-118 pivot shoe (my dimension look like 5/8" by 2.0"x1.25" so maybe the 15-105 is also a possibility. But I can not find the sash top pieces which are now cracked as the were old and brittle. They look like the ones in you video on these products but I don't see anything like it on the web site. The channel they snap/fit in is 3/4" wide. I can adjust length if necessary.
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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for posting! The 15-105 will not work for you, as these are made to work for a different kind of balance. The 15-118 is a good choice, though, as long as your dimensions match up.

As for the top sash stops, I'm afraid we do not sell these. I can tell you that you only need to use one per window. If you have other windows in your house that have a good pair, you can poach one of them and distribute them to windows that need them.

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