Moreover, you only have the combination of 19-002 and 15-004 caps available on the same balance on your site. Would you be able to help? I'm attaching images of the problem end cap.
One of the balaneces has the markings 2790 35 BSI. The other states 2740 BSI. The 2740 balance seems to be either Series 380 or 385 by your terms. The other balance seems to be Series 350. All are 1/2". Would you be able to help me identify the correct end caps/balances?
Finally, I wanted to get your opinion as to whether I should get springs with less tension (e.g. 2780 to replace 2790, and 2730 to replace 2740). Our windows are 26 years old double pane, and they are hard to open/close. I was wondering if getting the new balances and the softer springs would make it easier to close the windows and if that's recommended.
Thanks a lot!