Unknown manufactuer- Need clutch(?) and springs

Home Owner from Ohio
My house was built in 1980 and several of the clutches (I don't know if that is a correct term) and spring (balances) need replaced. I can't find these parts anywhere. Many of the window are similar to old Marvin windows (such as mouse trap latch, spring screen parts etc), but I can't find the piece where the sash attaches to the spring balance.

Can I replace these with a different items and 'upgrade' the window parts?

The track the clutch slides in is only about 1/2in wide by 1/2in deep. See the attached image. Thanks.
User submitted photo of their window clutch.
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for posting.

I just spoke to one of your window technicians, and he uses our 15-014 Balance Shoe with that spring. Unfortunately we cannot supply those springs. The way the technician replaces the shoe is by using a heat gun (you can use a hair dryer) and goes over the spot where the shoe is and heats the track just enough to make the track pliable to remove it. He said to be careful not to over-do-it or you will damage the track.

The other option is to go to a local mill work that still makes wood windows and purchases new complete tracks. They may have to see the wood sash to check the dimensions.
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