Vertical sliding windows

Quick Learner from New Zealand
We recently purchased a home with fisher aluminium joinery and most have vertical sliding windows(top pane slides downwards)A couple of the channel balances have broken recently and i have identified them as S390-33 with 3250 option.The problem i have is there was no sign of any take out clips as such.Do some windows not have them at all.Before i place an order thought i should ask.Also are there cheaper freight options to New Zealand.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I don't know of any window that uses the S390-33 balance that doesn't also have take out clips of some kind. I don't know how else you would take the sash out without them. Are there any holes at all? They should look like two small rectangular holes, one on top of the other. A common take out clip is our 16-002. Could this work for you?
Quick Learner from New Zealand
Thanks Tom.After watching your video over and over again.I found that all my windows had no take out clips but i noticed a small hole in the channel of all windows.I place a self tapping screw in leaving 1/4 inch sticking out and it worked a treat.Must have been a NZ quick solution.I need 4 S390-33 3250 option and 4 that have different number stamped on them(32DS bsi mm 45)They are from a heavier window but are same length and same shoes.Thanks again for your help
Paul from SWISCO
Ah, great. That's actually a popular temporary solution we use whenever a balance has to come out but no take out clips are readily available.

For your second balance, I would start with our 3275. I would wager that your sash weight is 45 pounds, based on that stamp, and our 3275 can carry 42 through 45 pounds. See what you think.
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