Viking window channel balance - stamp 1490 18

Home Owner from Colorado Springs
Looking for Viking window channel balance. The stamp is 1490 18.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
The number you provided will not help us in identifying a replacement part for you. That number indicates the weight strength of the spring. What would be beneficial to us in locating a replacement for you would be to actually see a photo of the balance. Providing measurements of the balance is also helpful.
Home Owner from Colorado Springs
Hope theses will help.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
Paul from SWISCO
Based on your photos and the fact that you have a Viking window, you will likely need a Series 395 side-load balance. Please compare the nylon balance ends between your balance and the Series 395 before you order. For your particular application, you would order the S395-15 channel balance. Your "1490 18" stamp translates to "1460" in the new system; this is known as the stamp option. You can check the option by removing your sliding sash and placing it on a scale. The weight should be between 17 and 20 pounds for a 1460 option.
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