Vinyl Window Shoe - need help identifying exact or compatible replacement

Home Owner from Beaufort, SC
May 30, 2021 12:21 pm
Hey all, first time experiencing this issue. We have a short-term rental and people are sometimes rough with the place. As a result, both of the main windows in the small apartment have come off their springs. The window was still in its shoes but I can't get the shoes reattached to the springs because the little hook at the top of the plastic part cracked. I tried to repair with superglue but it just broke the rest of the way off. Can't find any of these locally yet, so hoping someone might be able to help me find a replacement online. I need at least 4 (plan to buy more like 8 to have a spare set handy). The only identifiers I can find on the shoes are patent numbers: D467490, 6679000, 4610108.
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