Window Balance for Single Hung Window Sash Window, also Take Out Clip and Lifts

Home Owner from Castlegar, BC, Canada
Dec 2, 2020 10:39 pm
Window balance is marked "14D U.S.B." Metal Channel is 15" long, just under 1/2" Wide, 5/8" Deep into pocket in Window frame.

I have found an Internet reference for the top end as p/n 60-507, and for the bottom end as p/n 60-503. Note the wings on the sides of the bottom end.

The weight of the Sash window is 5 Kg = about 12 lbs.

I believe that the above specs. will make the balance p/n 60-143-43.

I want to order quantity 2 of the above balances as well as quantity 2 of the Take Out Clips p/n 60-700.

Also want to to order quantity 3 of Sash Lifts. Truth brand p/n 50-405-3. The Sash lift has mounting holes 3.25" center to center. White plastic preferred.
tn_IMG_3417 tn_IMG_3423 tn_IMG_3424 tn_IMG_3428 tn_IMG_3431
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1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Dec 7, 2020 10:03 am

For the channel balance, see if the S350-15 matches up. You'd need a stamp option of 1440. For new Take Out Clips, see if the 16-002 resembles your old ones. And for new window lifts, see if either oru 26-174 or 26-247 could do the job. 

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