Window Channel Balance

Home Owner from Sunnyvale, CA
I'm trying to figure out if the 26" S-380 is the right part. The fitting measurements match what's listed. My part is stamped as 254, and the metal part is about 25 1/2" long. Is the 26" S-380 2540 the right part?
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

The S380-26 will not work for you, unfortunately. We may still be able to help, but I think this has to be custom made due to the special length; 25-1/2" is not standard.

Before we go any further, I'd like some photos of your original balance just to be 100% sure. Custom made balances cannot be returned for a refund so I want to be positive that we get you the right part for the job. Specifically, I'd like to see a clear picture of the top fitting, bottom fitting, and the metal clip at the end of the cord. Finally, how many did you need?

Home Owner from Sunnyvale, CA
Just the metal part is 25 5/8"

I'm having trouble uploading photos. Can I send via email?
Tom from SWISCO

Sure, you can send photos to and the customer service reps who monitor that inbox will make sure I get them.

Home Owner from Sunnyvale, CA
Following up with this. Seems the problem was the size of the pictures in pixels, I resized and cropped them and then I could upload.
5 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

These photos are a huge help, thanks! This makes a lot more sense now. What you have here is an extended-travel channel balance, which has to be a custom order. I recommend checking the length of the metal channel, too. It should be 25-5/8", not 25-1/2".

Before we can pull the trigger on this, can you just show me a photo of the metal hook at the end of the cord? That will allow me to determine exactly what configuration this is. Can you also tell me how many you needed?

Once I have that information, I will email you a custom order link and price quote that will let you place an order on our site.

Home Owner from Sunnyvale, CA
Yes, the channel length is 25-5/8". I will want to replace 4 of the balances labeled "254DS 42" which are for what I guess are the heavier noise-insulated windows, and 8 of the ones labeled "254"
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks again for the new information. That first stamp you gave is a little peculiar. It should read something more like 25DS42, not 254DS42. That first 4 is not normal.

Assuming that it does read 25DS42, then I will email you a purchase link and price quote for 4 of these. I will also send you a second purchase link for the 25-4 balance, which will have the same exact design other than the stamp and spring tension.

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