Window Channel Balance Housing

Handy Person from Miami, Fl
Dec 1, 2012 3:36 pm
Hi ...I need the following window parts...two 27" window balance channel tops and two plastic parts on the top of the sliding window which meets the channel tops I uploaded pictures with measurements...so I need 4 parts in all...thanks

2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Dec 3, 2012 11:55 am

Thanks for posting. I'm actually having a hard time telling exactly what you have based on these images. The tape measurer is blocking a lot of what I need to see. It might be easier if you tell me what the dimensions are. That said, I think what you have looks similar to our S377-27 channel balance. Take a look at that and let me know what you think. If you aren't sure, I'll have to see more detailed pictures of your nylon attachments.
As for the top sash guide, you may want to consider our 18-042. This appears similar to what you have. Compare it to your existing hardware. You may find it easier to compare if you remove your top sash guide from the window.
As for the top sash guide, you may want to consider our 18-042. This appears similar to what you have. Compare it to your existing hardware. You may find it easier to compare if you remove your top sash guide from the window.
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