Notice in "window_channel_top" that the channel spring is attached with a single screw. Also notice that the screw hole in "channel_spring_top" is not currently supported and in some cases has become distorted/bent.
The markings indicate that these are TG "jambliners" type balances (but they are not) maybe that is just for weight.
I will need these in white, since they are clearly visible when the windows are closed.
The channels are 9/16" deep and 9/16" wide. I will need several lengths to support the following weight windows:
31" (30TG) to support sash of ~18 lbs (3 windows/6 units needed)
32" (31TG) to support sash of ~19 lbs (2 windows/4 units needed)
Any ideas? Can I modify 770 or 775 by exchanging the balance shoes? I like these since they have support for the top screw. I would prefer to NOT have the ribbed solution.