Window Channel Balances

P.S. I looked through all your half-inch wide series of channel balances and didn't see anything that matched mine.

Hey Tom. At first glance I think this is either an S380-28 or S385-28. The only difference between these two channel balances is the depth of the bottom nylon shoe, or the 'heel-to-toe' measurement. See the diagram below for reference. Compare both with your old hardware to see what matches best.

You also have to choose a stamp option, which designates the balance's strength. Can you double-check the stamp on your old balance? If it's actually 2730, then that's the stamp you would select. If it's indeed 2703, please weigh the window sash the balances support. You can use that exact weight to select the correct stamp option.


Hey Tom. Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad I could help you. Let us know if you need anything else, and thanks for reaching out.