Window balance
Thanks for writing in! I am confident we can supply you with the replacement balances you need but to confirm the exact replacement, I'll need to confirm one more detail.
May I see a photo of the pulley system in the center of the balance?
Please feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime.
Thanks for the photo; although, that is the pulley at the end of the balance. I am looking to see the one in the center of the balance attached to the spring.
Okay, I understand. I believe you may be able to use either the S380-21 with a 1" shoe or the S385-21 with a 1-3/32" shoe. To determine which series is needed for your window, look over the dimensions from the diagram below to confirm the depth of your bottom shoe. Keep in mind, there is a chance that it could measure 7/8". If so, please let me know as these will need to be a custom assembly.
You should be able to use the 2030 stamp option but I would suggest obtaining the exact sash weight to confirm that it falls between 12 to 15lbs.