Window balance stamped 32 9 BSI OR

The measurement of the metal length only, for the window balance that I have, is 32 3/4", not 32".

We can supply your replacement balances but it will need to be a custom order due to the length, extended travel pulley system and unique combination of end attachments. Note that the length of your metal channel should measure 32-5/8", not including the end fittings. To determine the correct replacement, we'll need to see the metal pulley clip attached to an undamaged balance. Also, please confirm that you need six balances total, two for each window. Thank you!

Thanks for getting back to us but we will still need to see the pulley clip from an undamaged balance and confirm the quantity before we can provide a price quote.

Your new photos show the take out clip used to catch the balance at the top of the window jamb, which would be the 16-002.

To identify your balances, we'll also need to see the metal clip attached to the pulley. See an example below.

Great! We just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Keep in mind it only includes the balances, not the 16-002 take out clips. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else.