I'd appreciate your help in identifying a broken window operator mechanism. It's a Truth Hardware piece. The long arm is 9.44" long and the short hand with the joint is 8" long. I'd appreciate it if you sent me a link to purchase a compatible window operator.
Window operater replacment

Home Owner from New Mexico
Jul 20, 2021 2:45 pm
1 user uploaded image
2 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
Jul 23, 2021 1:37 pm

Hey, Lee.
Take a look at the following two sets of operators: our 39-031 & 39-032 or 39-155 & 39-156. Carefully look over the dimensions for each set and see which ones match up for what you need.
If you need a handle as well, please see our 39-114L or 39-205, depending on the style you prefer. For a new cover, see our 39-107.
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