Window parts broken

Handy Person from New jersey
Need help identifying this window . As you can see where the bottom of the window goes into the pivot piece on the bottom of spring the plastic is broken. Also both plastic pins on top of the window are broken on the top of the lower sash . These pins retract when you slide the pins back . The slide springs are broken as well. I'll guess these windows are at least 25 years old. On the label from the window frame there is no company name. Just a lot of numbers.
20542632. H.D.
40ws336572 l l NHCHS
1/7. Z:01
4 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Thank you for posting. I believe the parts you need are the 15-046 pivot shoe along with the 26-132P top tilt latches. These were used on Idea windows which were made in North Jersey. Review these products and let me know what you think.

Handy Person from New jersey
Dave thanks for getting back to me. I need to check the pivot bars on the bottom of the sash. The bar on 1 side came out I was able to slide in back in. Do you think I need to replace the pivot bar assembly s ?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Only if they're broken. There's a good chance they're still in working condition, but give them a once over and see what you think. Any damage should be very obvious.

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