Window spring and locks

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I am looking for a spring rod balance system 28 inches long, spring is 12 1/2 inches. I am also looking for window locks these are 2 3/4 inch.

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6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us. Your balance is an old crossbow-type balance that unfortunately hasn't been made in many years. The good news is that we have a working replacement. See our Series 795. This should do the trick, but just make sure the diameter of your spring is 1/2" in diameter. Any smaller and our part won't work. I also highly recommend watching the video below, since the process of replacement is a little involved. The video will walk you through it step by step.

Concerning the lock, can you tell me the distance between the two installation holes, center-to-center?

Quick Learner
The distance between the installation holes is 2 inches
Tom from SWISCO

I'm sorry to say that we don't have a lock in this style with that kind of hole spacing. You may want to double check that just in case. Make sure to measure from the center of each hole, not their edges.

Quick Learner
2 1/16th is from the center of each hole
Tom from SWISCO

Thank you! In that case, I think you should consider our 90-278. Look it over and see if you could use this as a replacement.

Dimensions for 90-278
Dimensions for 90-278
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