anderson gliding door

Handy Person from Champaign
Mar 29, 2011 2:11 pm
I have a customer that has an anderson gliding door. The door was very hard to operate. I was able to remove the door and inspect the rollers, it appears that one wheel on the front tandem rooler set has come free from the bearing. I did not look real hard on how to remove the roller set because I new I need to order a new. Could you advise as to how to remove the rollers. It has an adjustment screw on the inside of the door I assume this would be part of the rooler unit as well. Does it just pop out and the new pop in? I was able to clean the roolers and track and the unit does slide better but not as it should. I plan to replace all the rollers.
1 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Mar 30, 2011 12:17 pm
Andersen used two types of rollers on their patio doors. The older models used the Swisco 81-018 Sliding Door Roller, which is a screw in type, and the new doors used the 81-128 Sliding Door Roller, which has to be pried out with a screwdriver.
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