channel balance 33 DS 33

Home Owner from Florida
Our channel balance is not working and appears it rusted. Can you confirm which one we need to order. Numbers stamped on it are 33 DS 33 (and maybe BS1 RO). It's 34" long. It looks like the Series 385 channel balance is the correct one?
User submitted photos of a window balance.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Before I can offer an applicable replacement for this channel balance, I just need to know a bit more information about the bottom attachment. Please take a look at our 15-004 and 15-005 channel balance shoes, and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-3/32" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely matches your own bottom attachment?
Home Owner from Florida
It looks like we are 1" deep so the 15-005.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you. In that case, I recommend that you take a look at our S380-34 channel balance. As for the option, though, I'm not sure. I am not sure what the stamp of 33 DS 33 corresponds to. Your best bet is to remove your sash from the frame and weigh it, then compare its weight to the option chart shown on the S380-34's product page.
Home Owner from Florida
Thank you. Our sash weighs 41 lbs.

We removed another sash from a different window and this one had a different stamp number on it:
34 DS 63L.
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for getting back to us. That's a heavy sash! We don't have a standard option that can support that weight, so this balance will have to be custom made with a special 3370 option. This can support a window sash weight range of 39 through and including 42 pounds.

I'm going to email you a purchase link and price quote for your review. You can use this to place an order on our website. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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