Casement Window Crank Extension?

Can you please recommend an extender?
Many thanks.

See this old discussion here from a customer who was also looking to have some kind of extension for a Milgard Tuscany casement window operator. It really comes down to the diameter of the spline that the handle attaches to. If it's 11/32", you should be able to work with the options mentioned in that old discussion, such as the 39-157 4" or 39-337 2" Crank Extensions.
Unfortunately however, we don't have anything that extends 2'. You can use the 39-336 Universal Joint w/ Pole Ring with this setup, however. You could then use a pole (if you can procure one, I'm afraid we don't sell them) to reach for the pole ring and adjust the operator as needed. See the image below as an example. Just remember that this is all contingent upon the operator spline being 11/32" in diameter.

None of our crank extensions are compatible with Andersen brand hardware, unfortunately. These are Truth parts, and Truth and Andersen parts cannot be used together.
I am very sorry for the inconvenience.