hi, the original malta window rotted. soon after malta went out of business and was purchased/assumed by a few employess, had this window manufactured. remember talking to one of the employees that worked for the original company. ordered the upper & lower sashes along with new balance jambs. now, a few years later, one the the pivot shoe/post has broken off the lower sash and the device that allows tilt-in has broken away from the spring. would like to replace both balance jambs w/ new internal hardware and the hardware that is attached to the sashes. from the interior the upper sash measures 38 3/8"w X 37 7/8"h. the lower is 38 3/8"w X 37 1/8" h. what is available? look forward to hearing from you. jeffrey
"newer" malta window

Contractor from havertown, pa
Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm
3 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Sep 21, 2021 2:08 pm

I can't tell without seeing an undamaged shoe, but you might be able to use the 15-104 Caradco Friction Shoe. Please compare to an undamaged shoe. If so, the 20-016 Tilt Pin should also work. Otherwise, your best bet would be contact a mill work in your area--they should be able to replace this setup. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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