non tilt window channel balance, guides and sash hardware needed

Handy Person from Hillsborough, NJ
Sep 27, 2012 9:22 am
Hello. I'm not able to find the plastic clips that attaches to the pieces on the sash through a pin kind of like a door hinge. I have 2 broken pieces of these. See picture.

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7 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Sep 27, 2012 9:49 am
Good morning, and thank you for posting in our Discussion Board! There are a few products I think you should consider. Please see our 15-027, 15-058, and 15-069 Hinge Leaf Assemblies and compare them to your existing hardware.
Handy Person from Hilsborough, NJ
Sep 27, 2012 12:28 pm
Donna, Thanks alot. I think either 15-027 or 15-084 will work for it. My next question is how do I put the sash back into the track in the frame and couple with the 1940 channel balance? As of now the old channel balance is inoperable with a top stopper but no bottom shoe. I assume it had gone missing before I moved in.

Here I show the 1940 type channel guide with no bottom stops. The window's been inoperable for a while so the bottom stops went missing.

Do you know what kind I should get and what other hardware I need to pop this window back in place and get it operational? As far as I can tell the channel width is 5/8".

Here I show the right side of the sash and it's different from the left side. On the left side there are plastic hinge attachments that allow the sash to spin out. Please advice what I need for the right side if anything other than the channel balance.

Thanks alot.
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 27, 2012 12:33 pm
I'm glad those suggestions could work out for you.

Now, let's concentrate on the balance. The first thing you should know is that of a pair of this type of balance, one of them will not have a shoe. That is the way it is designed. Take a look through this thread concerning hinged window balances for more information.

As you can see, these balances will have to be custom made for you. Before we begin, I'll have to know a bit more information.

First, can you confirm that the length of the metal channel is 20"? Also, is the 1940 the same stamp for both channels? Usually balances with these attachments have a different stamp for each balance in the window. Please double check and let me know!
Handy Person
Sep 27, 2012 3:13 pm

The length of the metal on the 1940 is definately 20". Unfortunately the channel guide for the other side has gone missing. What else would you recommend or do you think is is better suited for a repair pro to look at?
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 28, 2012 8:39 am
The guide might not be missing. These balance systems are asymmetrical, you see, so both sides are different. For example, the other side may have a shoe at the end of the balance and may even have a different stamp. You should double check and let me know what both stamps read, as well as give me an idea as to what attachments you have on both balances. If you take a picture of both ends of each channel balance so we can see for sure what's missing and what's supposed to be missing.
Handy Person
Sep 28, 2012 9:50 am

The only channel balance I have from the side with plastic hinge is the 1940 as pictured. The only attachment left is the top attachment. This is like putting together a puzzle with missing pieces. If I had those other pieces this will be easier -)

BTW would the missing balance have a lighter or heavier weight rating?
Tom from SWISCO
Oct 2, 2012 10:15 am
Is there perhaps another window in your house that would have identical balances? I'm afraid that I do not know what stamp your other balance would have. That seems to be the last piece of information we need, though.
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