replacement channel balance (1/2" x 24")

Quick Learner from Plant City, FLa.
Dear Sir,

I have several windows that have broken channel balance units. Since we live in Florida we very seldom open windows so this has not been a priority job for me. We built the home in 1988. The tag on the window reads Color Match Building Products, Winter Haven ,Fl.

I took one of the windows out and found a broken spring and tangled string on the block. The galvanized channel has a number 2330 stamped on it. The channel measures 1/2" x24". The height of the window is 25+ inches. I have a dozen windows ,same manufacturer, varying heights, I am considering cleaning them up and possibly replacing the window balance units. The tallest window is 36+ inches on the vertical, shortest vertical is 20+ inches. Since the outer frames are the same my guess is that they probably all use the same width channel, however some of the windows are 50+ inches on the horizontal. Any help would be appreciated. Guess I could have these all replaced with double insulated units, but would prefer to repair these units myself if I can find the parts. Thanks Gary
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Gary. At this point, I think you should check out our Channel Balance Home Page and follow the steps shown to determine if we have a Series that could replace your existing balances. Take a look and let me know.

If not, then please remove the balances from the windows as best as you can and take a few pictures of them for us to see. I'll need to see either end and whatever attachments are there, as well as the stamp. Thanks!
Home Owner from Plant City, Florida
Here are the pictures you requested.

I understand that I will have to get the dimensions of the individual window channels.

Thanks for your assistance,

User submitted photos of a window balance.
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Gary. These pictures are a great help. This looks similar to our Series 390 channel balance, but it's hard to say for sure without knowing the size of that bottom shoe. Does it match our 15-001? If not, what are its dimensions?
Detail of 15-001
Detail of 15-001
Quick Learner from Plat City, Fla

The dimensions match the shoe on the existing balance. I will research the website and order the window balance unit. If it works I will proceed with ordering replacements for broken units. Is there any way to determine the length of the unit based on the vertical height of the window ,or do you have to remove the window an d measure the length?

Thanks Gary
Tom from SWISCO
The best way to measure the length of your channel balance is to remove it from the window and measure the metal channel itself. Make sure not to include the nylon attachments in your measurements!

Take a look at the video below to see the best way of removing these balances. It's easier than you'd think!
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