replacement hardware for Bonneville Window

Handy Person from Vineyard Haven MA 02568


I have some old Bonneville casement windows that need hinges and operators replaced

I need 8 hinges (see picture) and one set of left and right-hand operators for both operator types. By inside of elbow on notes I mean where the interior bend in the arm starts from the long end (not the gear end)

Please let me know if you need additional information to identify possible replacement hardware

thank you


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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Hi Rich,

To replace the window hinge, I suggest taking a look at the 36-048 2-Bar Hinge Set. It can be used to replace the top and bottom hinges on left and right handed applications. It would be advised to replace both hinges at the same time to ensure they will be a match.

Detail of 36-048
Detail of 36-048

The operator with the single link arm can be replaced with the 39-220B Encore Dyad Sill Mount Operator. Since it does not appear that your handle and cover are removable, you'll need to purchase the 39-452 along with the operator. For the stud bracket, you'll need the 39-546

I've tagged the opposite handed versions of each of these parts below.

Detail of 39-220B
Detail of 39-220B

The dual arm operator reminds me of either the 39-253RB or the 39-439B. To determine which of these is the correct replacement, you'll need to make note of the differences between each of the. Take a look at the video tutorial below for reference. 

These use the same style covers and brackets that the other operators use. You'll find the compatible hardware in the related items section for the operator you need.

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