replacement parts for channel balance 2230

Home Owner from Farmingville, NY
I need to determine if top sash guide is required for balance number 2230. I also need to replace the channel balance top and channel balance shoe and believe these parts to be channel balance top as 19-002, and channel balance shoe, winged as 15-005. I also need to replace take out clips which I think is 16-002. How do I install these take out clips? Also, the windows at my house do not have any top sash guides. I do not know if they were ever there or if they are required. Please advise if I need to purchase these.

Thank you.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! I'm afraid that without seeing your original top sash guides, I cannot identify what you will need. Is there an identical window elsewhere in the house that may have all the hardware this window needs? If so, you can take a few pictures of those top sash guides for us to see.

As for your channel balance, I would like you to confirm that the 15-005 is the shoe you need. You see, a channel balance with a 15-005 with a 19-002 top will have to be custom made. However, if you had the 15-004 bottom and a 19-002 top, it would simply be a Series 350 channel balance. Please double check the dimensions of your bottom shoe and let me know.

To install the 16-002, simply put the lower loop in first, then push in the top half. You might need a small screw driver to help push in the top.
Handy Person from Farmingville
Thankyou for responding so promptly to my request. Channel balancer is definetly a 2230,because it is stamped with that number. The shoe is definetly winged,however I will recheck the dimensions of the shoe & top on hand to those on the web site. I will also take some photos & foward along with next e-mail. Thankyou again for your assistance.
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