spiral balancees

Handy Person from jeffersonville pa
Aug 9, 2017 9:50 pm
I need 2 10 inch white tip 5/8 diameter spiral balances and 2 11 inch white tip spiral balances

Also I may need the pivot but I may need to send you a picture. Mine is working but the screw to hold the balance arm to the pivot arm is kinda beat.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 10, 2017 10:03 am
The balances are sort of easy to identify. We would normally have you follow our spiral balance guide to narrow down the Series you need, but you gave a lot of information. If, as you say, your window uses a pivot, you are dealing with a tilt window. For 5/8" tilt window spiral balances, we only carry the Series 600. Double check that it looks the same as your old balance, confirm the Series, and consider double checking the tip color. Your white tip should hold a window sash between 4 and 12 pounds in weight. If you remove your sliding sash and weigh it, it should fall within that range.

As for your pivot, your instinct is correct: we'd like to see it. Can you reply to this post with a photo of your old part?
Handy Person from Jeffersonville
Aug 10, 2017 10:31 am
I looked up the series 600 spiral balance you mentioned and they have a red tip on it does that make a difference because my tip was white.
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 10, 2017 10:55 am
You would choose the 10" Series 600 balance S600-10 and choose the white tip option. And for the 11" balances choose S600-11 with the white tip option. Hope that helps!
Handy Person from Jeffersonville
Aug 11, 2017 6:16 am
I saw the white tip option after I got off my phone and look on the computer and I will wave the window just to make sure. one more question my spring swivel connection where it ties into the window lock piece they had a screw holding it in place where I watched your video and you had no screw.can I safely say I should not need the screw I am not sure why they put one on Just for security I assume
spiral balancees
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 16, 2017 11:17 am
I actually don't think those screws are 100% necessary. They are made to help the spiral stay secure in the shoe, but to be honest the spiral should stay secure in the shoe regardless. I think the screw is just an extra measure, like you guessed.
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