Hi im looking to purchace the 29inch series 900 red spiral balance, my question is once i screw the balance into the sash how far down do i let the spiral go down , example if i had my bottom window raised 2 inches from the bottom of the window sill (sorry im a window newbie) tilt the window down , do i then let the spiral unwind to the bottom to where the balance shoe is then turn it counter clockwise 4 turns then hook it ? , also do i turn both balances the same direction, please help , looking to purchace asap just 2 spirals right now and see if i can do this or not, thanks again
7 Replies
cool thank you Paul i Placed an order with you guys last night, thanks so much for your help,
does one need a charging tool to install tilting window spiral balances or can they be installed with a common tool found in a tool catalog?
From Paul Sr's explanation above dates Nov 10,2010: "After you screw the balance tube at the top of the window, you then can charge the spiral coming out of the tube."
My question concerns how much of the spiral is extended beyond the tube? Is the spiral completely inside the tube before tensioning after being installed in sash? then add three turns and pull down and attach to the shoe? i have read your tensioning guides for installation but the spiral in the tube or partially extended from the tube is not clear. Please clarify, i need to order about ten 900 series 29" long red tippers and want to have my plan in place before i jump in.
thank you in advance for your reply, Mike.
Have the spiral extend about 3", then charge the spiral.
thank you for the quick reply! Mike