spring mechanism failed

Home Owner from Bowser, BC
Hello there, 
I have (x4) windows that the spring mechanism have failed.
(x1) has a broken lock mechanism.
Series 570 SH are on these windows
the spring mechanism has 20-4 LE5 CMC 75 on them.
i am looking for price and availability for replacements for spring mechanisms for 4 windows and one lock. (Canadian
dollars if possible)
please see attached images
thank you
5 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

Please start by reviewing the style and dimensions of the 90-252 latch mechanism and 90-253 latch cover. 

Unfortunately we are not able to cross reference the information on the stickers. Based on the spring stamp provided, it sounds like your window uses channel balances. To further review, we will need to see one of the balances removed where we can see clear images of the top and bottom attachments. We will also need to see the inside of the metal channel where we can view the connection point between the spring and pulley system. 

From there we can narrow down the series for your window. Thank you! 

Home Owner from Bowser, BC
Hi there
i have a couple pics of the channel balance for reference. I can send more if needed.
thank you!
4 user uploaded images
Lauren from SWISCO

Great thank you,

I will need to see additional pictures where we can see inside the balance channel. I need to see the connection clip point between the spring and pulley system which is usually towards the middle. Thank you! 

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