thermal line window made in 2005

Contractor from az
does anyone have a part # and where to buy it
User submitted a photo of a pivot shoe.
7 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
We may be able to replace this, yes. Please give me the width and thickness of this shoe and we will use that information to research a good replacement for you. Thanks!
Quick Learner from az
The track is 5/8" deep 1.5" wide the guide is 2" tall
Paul from SWISCO
Can you confirm that the width of the shoe is 1-1/2"? That is very wide for this kind of hardware. Personally, I think it looks similar to our 15-129, but I highly recommend confirming the size of your shoe, just in case. It would be better if you remove the shoe from the window before you measure so that you can be as precise as possible.
Quick Learner
It looks like 1.25"
Paul from SWISCO
In that case, I think our 15-129 is a great bet. Just triple check your dimensions, just in case. You can never be too careful.
Quick Learner
Thanks for the help placed the order today
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