Balance and other parts

Quick Learner from Georgia
I need to replace this part and need the accompanying shoe and the part at the top that hooks into the sash?  On the outside is stamped 27B and then PR BSI.  I see similar but not exact things on your website.  Can you help me get the right parts?
5 user uploaded images
5 Replies
Quick Learner from Georgia
I think I need the 15-195 1 1/4 " shoe and the S795-  27" balance but the small metal piece at the top of the S795 is different from mine.
Casey from SWISCO


It looks like you need the S795-27 (27B) channel balances with the 15-198 hook attached, which we can provide through a custom order. We'll just need to confirm the number of balances you need with the minimum being two. From there, we'll be able to send over an order link and price quote. 

How to measure the length of the Series 795 channel balance.
How to measure the length of the Series 795 channel balance.

Profile view of 15-198
Profile view of 15-198

Detail of 15-198
Detail of 15-198

If you need new pivot bars that connect the T-lock shoe to the sash, we'll need to see photos of an intact pivot bar removed from the window to compare to our inventory. Thank you! 

Quick Learner from Georgia
Thank you for your help! I just need the balances with the hooks attached. The pivot bars are still ok. I need 4 balances (2 sets). Thanks again.
Casey from SWISCO

Thanks for getting back to us. We just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. 

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