Channel balance with hook on top

Quick Learner from USA
Good afternoon, I am looking for parts for a customer window, looks a lot like your series 795 but mine has a top hook and the shoe is only an 1" wide (15-194). Can you tell me a part number for the channel mine has 28C stamped in it.
User submitted a photo of a window balance.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
I believe we can make this, yes. Looks like a S795-28 balance, but with a 15-194 shoe and 15-198 hook at the top instead of the standard options. We could custom make this for you, if you'd like. Can you just tell me how many you will need?
Quick Learner
Thanks Tom I just need one set this time for one window.

Tom from SWISCO
Great, I have emailed you a custom balance order link for two balances. You should receive it shortly!
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