Crank hardware

Quick Learner from Colorado
First photo is crank I need to replace. Second photo is part I need to attach to window that holds the crank in place.
2 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Your photos appear to show two very different kinds of crank operators with different connecting pieces. Which one specifically did you need to replace? Can you remove the one you need from the window and show me a photo of it without obstruction? That will allow me to find the best part for the job.

Quick Learner from Colorado
Smaller crank in the right photo is the one I need to replace. I have added another photo of the smaller crank.
I purchased 39-032 and 39-031 for a few larger windows in my house, but these are too big for that smaller crank.
The other photo just shows the part that attaches to the window that holds the crank in place. When I originally took the broken one apart on a similar window I mistakenly threw that part away. So, I just need whatever part that goes with 39-032 to hold it in place and the smaller crank in the new photo(2 parts)

Hope this makes sense...
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

It's still tough to say without seeing the operator removed, but you may be looking for our 39-035 and 39-036. Look these over and let me know if you agree.

As for the part that holds the 39-032 in place, I don't know what that would be. I can't think of any part made to go with this operator that I would describe like that, so I will need to see an example to confirm if we carry a match.

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