Custom Order for Channel Balance - 3 Units

I would like to replace the channel balances on a couple of windows. I'm interested in placing a custom order for three (3) channel balances (part S795-28E) to replace the existing 28E BSI balances (see photo attached). However I would need these made with tension hooks (part #62-106) and alternative pivot lock shoes (part #15-236).
If this is possible, please help me place a custom order. Thanks!

We can custom make a Series 795 with a hook at the top of the cord, but I've never seen the 62-106 used to this end. I actually don't believe they're compatible. The 15-198 is a much more common sight. Would this be a closer match? If you aren't sure, seeing a photo of your original hook would allow me to verify.
It should also be noted that the 15-236 also cannot fit on the Series 795 channel. The 15-236 can only fit on channels with a deep groove in the bottom, which our balance lacks. Instead, we would use the default 15-195 shoe, which is identical to the 15-236 except that it doesn't need that same groove.
So, to sum it up, what we can make for you is an S795-28 with a 28E stamp, 15-195 shoe (which comes default), and the 15-198 top hook. I will email you a purchase link and price quote for this configuration. You can use that to add 3 to your cart.
If you wanted to make any changes, please just let me know and we can work from there.

Thanks for the info. The existing Channel Balances on my Milgard windows use pivot lock shoes identical to your 15-236 and have an existing hook (pointed shallow end hook) more similar to 62-106 than to 15-198. Do you have another channel balance 28E that will accommodate your pivot lock shoe 15-236?

We don't sell any balance that can accommodate the 15-236. That said, our Series 795 is the same exact design as your old balance with only one difference: the groove at the bottom end of the metal channel. The 15-236 is only made to accommodate that groove and is otherwise identical to the 15-195, which comes default with the Series 795. There is no other difference in form or function. The Series 795 balance will replace your original without issue and I have done so many, many times.
As for the hook, I've never seen this Series use the 62-106. That would be very bizarre. May I see a photo of your original so that I may verify? With the way the knot ties to the 62-106, I'm not sure that the balance would even function properly. I'd like to be 100% sure that this is what you have and photos would remove all doubt.