Hurd sill mount arm operator

Home Owner from Des Plaines, IL
Please confirm that I would use your product code 39-253RB and 39-253LB to replace my Hurd operators. 
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2 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

Your original operator does resemble the 39-253RB and 39-253LB, but the right fit will come down to the style of the slider that is used at the end of the straight arm.

Please review the video below for more details. We also carry the 39-438B and 39-439B which is a similar style but different arm track slider. Compare dimensions and let us know if you have any additional questions!

For a cover/handle, see the 39-451 and 39-452 or the 39-375 or the 39-376 depending on style preference.  

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